Act 15

From Healslut by DavieZwei

Act 15

💞 Free Use Dinner

Just before dinner, you will head out with Panki and meet Kayden.  The discussion will be tense and Panki will push back against Kayden’s attitude.  After he walks away, the two of you will meet up with Harmony who is dressed up for the occasion.

  • "Compliment Harmony."
    • This will give you a relationship point with Harmony
  • "Smile and nod."
    • No relationship point with Harmony.

As the dinner begins, Panki tells the group that you are ready to be used.

  • "I'll do what I have to..."
    • This will give you a negative point in “being into it”.
  • "I'm eager to relieve my group's stress and frustrations."
    • No change in “being into it”
  • "Please use me!"
    • A positive point into “being into it”.

Kayden opens up your services to the group and it’s Champ who steps up.  After he is done, Kayden will step up for a speech.

Non-Free Use Dinner

When you arrive at the dinner, you will have a conversation with Kayden.  If you had invited Jane to the group, Kayden will question if she is worth the hassle.

  • ✦REQUIRES Told Jane to Use Heal Spells: Sparkle can tell Kayden that she is also a healer.  He is surprised that you admitted that but won’t kick you out of the group, though he thinks you are a burden.
  • ✦REQUIRES Told Jane NOT to Use Heal Spells: Kayden will still not see much use with her being on the team but will not claim that Sparkle is useless.

Panki will join the conversation, making the discussion tense.  Additionally, Panki will push back against Kayden’s attitude.  After he walks away, the two of you will meet up with Harmony who is dressed up for the occasion.

  • "Compliment Harmony."
    • 🥰 This will give you a relationship point with Harmony.
    • She will invite you to eat dinner with her. Depending on your relationship status, your responses will vary.
  • "Smile and nod."
    • No relationship point with Harmony.

At this point, you will have an option of who to sit with.  All options will give you a friendship/romance point with the person you sit with:

  • "Visit Wejit"
    • You can ask Wejit about what happened to Leigh and he will admit that he killed him and threw him overboard.
      • ✦REQUIRES Told Wejit about Blackmail
    • He doesn’t have much else to say and tells you to talk to the others. This sends you back to the choice of picking who to sit with.
  • "Visit Ooyum"
    • She doesn’t have much to say and tells you to talk to others. This sends you back to the choice of picking who to sit with.
  • "Visit Leigh"
    • This is not a pleasant conversation. He doesn’t have any real interest in talking to you. This sends you back to the choice of picking who to sit with.
  • "Sit by Panki and Lel"
    • If you have a group relationship with them both, they flirt with you and give you a hint about some fun to come later tonight.
    • If Jane has joined the group, they speak about wanting to get to know her tonight and that they might have to hold off on the fun, for now.
    • This conversation will end with Kayden’s Speech
  • "Sit by Panki"
    • Panki will discuss her growing distrust in Kayden and how she feels that he is becoming obsessed with fighting evil in the world.  She believes he is starting to believe that the group has evil people in it.
    • This conversation will end with Kayden’s Speech
  • "Sit by Roopah"
    • If you are in a relationship with Roopah’s cock, Sparkle will criticize Roopah for always belittling her.  Once again, there is a lot of insulting back and forth but it does seem that Roopah is starting to want to talk more.
    • Otherwise, you will have a fun bit of repartee with her.
    • This conversation will end with Kayden’s Speech
  • "Sit by Lel"
    • If you are in a relationship with Lel, she will be extra flirty to start out.
    • In the end, she waxes poetic about humanity and how she feels people interact with one another.
    • This conversation will end with Kayden’s Speech
  • "Sit by Harmony"
    • Harmony speaks about that fact that a personality is emerging within her.
    • If you made her sleep with the barkeep in Underwell Inn, her view of you will change and it will impact her view of morality.
    • She states her desire to form a relationship with you, regardless of any past statements you have made.
    • If you are in a relationship, you will outright reject her.
      • Except if you are in a relationship with Panki.  Panki will have expressed her acceptance of you keeping Harmony as a mistress.
    • Otherwise, you can choose the following responses:
      • "Yes, we could be more than friends."
        • ❣️ Sparkle will start a relationship with Harmony.
      • "No. I've said that's not how I feel about you."
        • She asks to eat together as friends.
      • "No. I don't feel that way about you."
        • Available if Sparkle hasn't rejected her before.
        • She asks to eat together as friends.
    • This conversation will end with Kayden’s Speech
  • "Sit by Champ & Twig"
    • If you slept with either of them on the second night, they will flirt a bit with you.
    • Otherwise, you’ll get to amuse yourself with a tongue-twister.
    • This conversation will end with Kayden’s Speech
  • "Sit by Kayden"
    • This is a very interesting conversation from the overall story perspective.  SPOILER: He knows about the "invaders" into his world and that Sparkle is one of them.  
    • If Sparkle is a twink, she will have the opportunity to express interest in hooking up with him later in the night.
    • If Leigh is the group, she can tell him that Leigh wants him back and he will agree to go talk to him.
    • In the end, he will get up and give his speech.

Kayden’s Speech

Kayden starts by promoting Twig to his lieutenant and demoting Panki to “damage control” and training Lel and Sparkle.  If Sparkle is free-use, he will also thank her for her hard work. In terms of next steps, he states that the group will be heading to Humblehooch instead of Freebooty Bay. Humblehooch has been dealing with some raiders so the group will take them out… for a fair price. He opens up the forum for questions:

  • "When will we get to Freebooty bay?"
    • He says that the ship will arrive at the bay by tomorrow evening.
  • "I meant to tell you that Jane has heal spells."
    • Only available if you didn’t Kayden earlier that Jane can heal.
    • Kayden questions how you forgot to say that before but will not press on the issue.
  • "Are we ever going back to Kulton again?"
    • No, too much danger.
    • The following question will be available after asking this:
      • "So we're just abandoning Kulton to the viscount?"
        • Kayden will explain the folly of trying to fight him right now.
  • "Have we found anything out about Leigh?"
    • Only available if Leigh went missing on the boat.
    • His response is, “No, nothing you and I don’t already know, Sparkle.”
  • "I don't have any more questions."
    • Ends the questions

Post-Dinner Activities

Once Kayden finishes his speech, Sparkle will return to the person she sat down to eat dinner with for some further discussion.

The following options are defined by who you sat with:

  • Dinner with Kayden
    • If Sparkle is a twink, she can choose to leave with him and spend the night together (including a bit of fun).
    • Otherwise, you get a chance to sit with others or go to you cabin alone (look at those sections for more information)
      • If you sit with Panki, you get to meet Skylark, if she was invited to the game
  • Dinner with Panki or Panki + Lel
    • You will adjourn to the cabin for a bath and some sexy time with only Panki or Panki + Lel depending on your relationship status.
    • If Skylark is in the game and you have spoken about the harem, she will be invited as well
  • Dinner with Harmony
    • Your dialogue will change a bit if you are pursuing a relationship with her, but you won’t get to hook up tonight, regardless.
  • Dinner with Twig + Champ
    • Some fun dialogue and you will adjourn to your cabin.
  • Dinner with Roopah
    • If you are in a relationship with Roopah’s cock, you head back to the cabin with her
      • If Sparkle is futa, you can choose to top Roopah for the night!
      • If Sparkle is not futa (or if she is but lets Roopah lead), Roopah uses you for a rough blowjob.
      • Sparkle can also choose this if coming from the Kayden branch
    • If you are not in a relationship with her, she will leave after some angry words and you’ll head back to the cabin alone.
  • Dinner with Lel
    • She helps Kayden to bed and you go to the cabin to wait for her.
    • This leads to an interesting night of domination!

After all of the excitement or just staying alone for the night, we move into Act 16.