Act 14

From Healslut by DavieZwei

Act 14

This act begins with Sparkle entering the ship galley with either Panki or Lel depending on prior decisions during the investigation.

Galley with Panki

Sparkle and Panki will have a discussion about the recent events aboard the ship. The topics of the conversation depend on how the investigation was handled as well as if the MC is in any sort of relationship with Panki or Panki+Lel.

Galley with Lel

After Lel embarrasses Sparkle with a question to the crew present about if they all want to fuck her, the sailor Roar will approach the two of you.

If you are in a relationship with Panki or Roopah's wang then Lel will subsequently leave to go chat up Roar.

If you are on the Panki+Lel route then Lel will affirm her allegiance to the relationship and sit with Sparkle for a meal.

If you are not in one of the previously mentioned relationships then a decision will need to be made as to who (if anyone) goes to chat up Roar.

Nested choice: Who chats up Roar?

  • "That's fine. Go ahead."
    • Lel goes to talk to Roar.
  • "I want to go talk to him."
    • Sparkle goes to talk to Roar.
  • "Let's both go talk to him."
    • Both Sparkle and Lel approach Roar.
    • NOTE: Lel very much likes this idea.
  • "I thought we were hanging out?" ✦REQUIRES 4+ relationship points with Lel
    • Neither Lel nor Sparkle will approach Roar.
    • ❣️ This choice is crucial if you want to pursue the Lel romance route.

Before Sparkle can enjoy a meal, the ship goes on alert due to an approaching vessel. Everyone is called up on deck to prepare for boarding.

Ship Ahoy!

Sparkle hurries up to the deck to find Kayden waiting topside. Depending on previous choices, there may be a discussion regarding Leigh’s whereabouts before Kayden speaks to Panki’s handling of the investigation and aftermath.

Panki for President?

Kayden accuses Sparkle of trying to set up Panki to take command of the group.

"I am not! He's paranoid."

  • Affirms that Sparkle thinks Kayden is still the best choice of leader for the group.
  • Kayden accepts that his accusation is unfounded.
  • Kayden will expect Sparkle’s support when he demotes Panki.

"No, but now that you mention it..."

  • Casts doubt on whether Sparkle thinks Kayden is still the best choice of leader for the group.
  • Kayden believes his accusation has some truth to it.
  • Kayden explains what he believes are Panki's mistakes and attempts to get Sparkle to side with him.

"Yes, she's a better leader!"

  • Leaves no doubt that Sparkle thinks Kayden is no longer the best choice of leader for the group.
  • Kayden believes his accusation was correct.
  • Kayden explains what he believes are Panki's mistakes and attempts to get Sparkle to side with him.

What’s There to Wear?

If not Lel's Familiar, Sparkle will have a choice of either searching the captain’s quarters or the storage below decks for something to wear.

  • Searching below decks will clothe Sparkle in the Soiled Rags outfit.
  • Searching in the captain’s quarters will clothe Sparkle in Ruby (Pez) Dress outfit.

Meeting Kaptun Kunt

Pez (or Gaggie Spitz if Pez is dead) will introduce you to the slaver ship captain, Kaptun Kunt. You will be tasked with making a deal behind Kaptun Kunt’s back in order to satisfy the requirements of parlay without the slavers demanding a trade for someone from the ship.

Upon boarding the slaver ship, you will meet Holeboy and Biggie Claire and then be given a few choices on how to proceed:

  • "Use the Naked Knowledge spell."
    • ✦REQUIRES Naked Knowledge passive
    • Allows you to understand Holeboy to effect a trade and successfully complete your task.
  • "Get Harmony's help."
    • ✦REQUIRES Harmony exists
    • Allows you to take notice of Harmony’s new earring and gain a friendship/romance point with her.
    • Harmony will barter a trade for either Holeboy or Biggie Claire at your choice of which one.
  • "Transform into a Fairy."
    • ✦REQUIRES Fairy Form spell
    • Will cause Holeboy to attempt to capture Sparkle.
      • If Sparkle flees, continue below.
      • If Sparkle stays, she will be captured and meet two Fairies. After being elected the new Queen of their Fairy group, Sparkle will flee the crazy Fairies. Continue below.
    • Nested choice: Who do you get to help?
      • Kayden:
        • +1 friendship/relationship point.
        • Kayden will divulge that he appreciates you coming to him for help.
      • Panki:
        • +1 friendship/relationship point.
        • Panki will storm onto the slaver ship and force a trade for Biggie Claire.
      • Lel:
        • +1 friendship/relationship point.
        • Lel will tell you to go to Kayden because she cannot help with this problem.
      • Harmony:
        • +1 friendship/relationship point.
        • Harmony has experience with slavers so she will make a deal for Biggie Claire.
      • SPOILER: The most ‘effective’ option is to approach Lel who will then direct you to Kayden, rewarding you with +1 relationship point with each of them.
  • "I don't have any good options..."
    • “Gives up” on finding a solution (which may be your only choice depending on spell selections and if Harmony exists).
    • Gab will intervene and explain what you need to say to Holeboy in order to trade two barrels of ale in exchange for Biggie Claire.

Pez or Gaggie (with Kaptun Kunt in tow) will find Sparkle and ask if the deal is done. When the trade is revealed to Kaptun Kunt, she laughs it off as a bad deal on your end and then returns to her ship. Neither Pez nor Gaggie will be happy with the trade but will accept it as a necessity and thank you for getting it done.

A Wild Jane Appears

✦REQUIRES allowing Jane & James to use the restroom

✦REQUIRES requesting a MEGAREAL invite for Jane

Jane, in her MEGAREAL alter-ego of Skylark, flies down to the deck of the ship as a dragonette and transforms into her elfin Druid form. After a brief discussion, you must decide on whether Jane/Skylark should use her two impressive healing spells or conceal the fact that she has them.

  • "She should use her heal spells, too."
    • Skylark accepts your decision and the group will likely benefit from her healing spells.
  • "She shouldn't tell anyone about her heals."
    • Skylark will refrain from using her healing spells (as she’s quite happy to just transform into animals).

The Demon’s Demotion

Panki will approach Sparkle with Kayden following soon after. You will have to choose between supporting Kayden’s decision to demote Panki or condemning it.

  • "No, I didn't agree to this!"
    • Kayden will be disappointed that you didn’t support him after he spoke to you about the demotion.
  • "It's for the best -- to protect Panki."
    • Panki does not comment on your decision to side with Kayden.

Either way, Panki accepts the demotion and Twig takes the place of Kayden's lieutenant in the group.

🐱 If Sparkle is Lel's Familiar, Kayden will dismiss Pet Sparkle from free-use duties. The game continues as if Sparkle was never free-use from that point forward.

💞 If Sparkle is still on the hook for free-use duties, Kayden will give Panki a chest of attire taken from the slaver ship. He will tell her to make an outfit appropriate to your free-use status from whatever is inside.

Preparing for Dinner

If Sparkle is in a relationship with Panki/Panki+Lel, then Panki will invite you to have a quick nap with her before dinner. Afterward, you will awaken to some oral sexytimes.

If Sparkle is not in a relationship with Panki/Panki+Lel, you will go off to see if Twig can fetch your previous outfit from the mast netting.

Regardless of the above, Sparkle will discover that Gab & Wendy have provided a chest full of clothing with previous outfits and a new outfit inside it for your selection. The choice of what to wear to dinner is primarily a personal preference. 🐱 Pet Sparkle gets a unique set of outfits to choose from (Orange Shirt or Apprentice) instead of the usual selection.

💰 If Sparkle is a looter, wearing your looter gear does conveys her commitment to that role to the rest of the team. In addition, the option to go to dinner naked is available on this route.

💞 If Sparkle is free-use: Panki will create four ‘outfits’ from the available gear in the slaver chest. You will try on each collar outfit and then decide which of the four you will wear to dinner. The See No Evil collar outfit has some flavor text (on account of the blindfold) but this choice is primarily a personal preference.